Phaser 3 Animation Using Local Json File

While just showing the tile is an option, it’s just a static image. No matter how cute your tiles look, they are just flat images if you don’t animate them a bit. That’s why you are going to learn to create animations with Phaser 3 using JSON file.

For this, you need a Sprite Sheet and a JSON file which contains your animation data. A sprite sheet is an image that consists of several smaller images (sprites) and/or animations. Combining the small images in one big image improves the game performance, reduces the memory usage and speeds up the startup time of the game. For this tutorial, we will use this image:

Cross Sprite Sheet

I used this sprite sheet for my Tic Tac Toe game. It has 6 frames to show an animated Cross. To load this sprite sheet, use this code:

this.load.spritesheet("crossCube", "crosscube.png", {
    frameWidth: 250,
    frameHeight: 250

Here, we are telling Phaser 3 to load sprite sheet and we are giving it a key which is crossCube, the url of that sprite sheet is crosscube.png. We are also providing its each frameWidth and frameHeight which is 250, in a separate object. Full signature of this function is:

spritesheet(key, url, frameWidth, frameHeight, frameMax, margin, spacing)

key: string Unique asset key of the sheet file.

url: string URL of the sheet file.

frameWidth: number Width of each single frame.

frameHeight: number Height of each single frame.

frameMax: number How many frames in this sprite sheet. If not specified it will divide the whole image into frames.

margin: number If the frames have been drawn with a margin, specify the amount here.

spacing: number If the frames have been drawn with spacing between them, specify the amount here.

And use this code to load JSON object.

this.load.animation('crossCubeAnimations', 'crossCube.json');

This JSON file has the required configuration data to show the animation. Go ahead and try to change the values to see what effects does it have on this animation.

  "anims": [
      "key": "drawCrossCube",
      "type": "frame",
      "frames": [
          "key": "crossCube",
          "frame": 0,
          "duration": 0
          "key": "crossCube",
          "frame": 1,
          "duration": 0
          "key": "crossCube",
          "frame": 2,
          "duration": 0
          "key": "crossCube",
          "frame": 3,
          "duration": 0
          "key": "crossCube",
          "frame": 4,
          "duration": 0
          "key": "crossCube",
          "frame": 5,
          "duration": 0
      "frameRate": 25,
      "duration": 0,
      "skipMissedFrames": true,
      "delay": 0,
      "repeat": 0,
      "repeatDelay": 0,
      "yoyo": false,
      "showOnStart": false,
      "hideOnComplete": false
  "globalTimeScale": 1

key: string The unique identifying string for this animation.

type: string A frame based animation (as opposed to a bone based animation).

frames: Array.<Phaser.Animations.AnimationFrame> Extract all the frame data into the frames array.

frameRate: integer The frame rate of playback in frames per second (default 24 if duration is null).

skipMissedFrames: boolean Skip frames if the time lags, or always advanced anyway?

delay: integer The delay in ms before the playback will begin.

repeat: integer Number of times to repeat the animation. Set to -1 to repeat forever.

repeatDelay: integer The delay in ms before the a repeat playthrough starts.

yoyo: boolean Should the animation yoyo? (reverse back down to the start) before repeating?

showOnStart: boolean Should sprite.visible = true when the animation starts to play?

hideOnComplete: boolean Should sprite.visible = false when the animation finishes?

globalTimeScale: integer Global time scale of this animation.

Inside frames object, we are telling the sprite name and frame number of that sprite. Play this animation using this lines of code:

let animName = "drawCrossCube";
// This is the sprite which we are going to animate
let turnCube = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'crossCube', 0);
turnCube.on('animationcomplete', function (animation) {
    if (animation.key === animName) {
        Checking animation key to execute custom
        game logic after animation complete
}, this);;

That’s it. You will find the full project in this repository.